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Chase Animal Hospital veterinary services – delivered with courtesy and respect!


Before Your Visit

New clients will need to make a deposit in order to schedule and reserve an appointment with our hospital. This deposit will be applied to your visit costs with us; however, if you miss your appointment without cancelling at least 24 hours in advance your deposit will be forfeited.
Please make sure you have your pets previous medical records sent to us at least 24 hours before your visit. Receiving your pets information before you arrive allows our staff to have your and your pet's information ready for your visit, decreases your wait time at check in, and gives the medical team time to review pertinent history notes in your file.


When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted warmly and our customer service reps will get your pet checked in and notify the medical staff you are here. We do offer curbside care and are happy to assist anyone coming in or leaving our hospital - just let us know!
When ready, one of our technicians or assistants will usher you & your pet into an examination room.

Medical History

In most cases, one of our veterinary technicians or assistants will start by asking about your pet’s medical history, current condition and the reason for your visit, gathering data for the doctor. They will then take your pet to get weighed, record their vitals (temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, rate mucus membrane color and capillary refill time), and get any planned test samples.

Doctor's Exam & Consult

Next, one of our veterinarians will examine your pet, ask you further questions and then may recommend diagnostic tests if needed. We always want to offer the best care for your pet but we also understand financial constraints may require a change in care. Please do not hesitate to discuss costs with our staff - we want to do the best for both your pet and for you. Usually with any in depth or extensive care suggestions our medical team will prepare an estimate for you to review before treatment begins.
We offer many diagnostic tests on site but may recommend sending tests to our diagnostic lab, depending on the test needed or to help reduce cost to you. Once the tests have been run the doctor will discuss a possible diagnosis and treatment plan if warranted.


Depending on the reason for your visit our doctor may not return to the room once their exam is complete and they have gone to the treatment area (to complete exam notes, review visit charges, authorize any prescriptions, etc) so this is a great time to ask questions. Our veterinary team wants to make sure you’re completely comfortable with the information we’re providing.

Wrap Up

Our veterinary technician or assistant will likely be the one to come back in the room to wrap things up. They will provide you with helpful pet care information, review any prescription instructions, and answer wellness or care questions for you. You will then be escorted to our lobby where our front desk staff will process your payment and schedule any needed follow up. If any diagnostic test were sent to the lab please make sure we have an updated phone number for our doctors to call you to discuss results.